Tuesday, February 22, 2011


My thoughts go out to people involved in this disaster. It is just one thing after another Pike River Queensland floods then cyclone, now poor Christchurch. Could not believe the iconic Catherdal what a mess. My workmates husband is down their as part of the search & rescue team shipped in from North Island. She is worried sick as he is at the CTV building (yes the one that was on fire) trying to rescue people.and what he does is dangerous eg rebuild internal support in collapsed buildings to enable rescuers to get in under collapsed floors etc Yikes.
There are some terrible stories that are coming out of this just ordinary people doing there everyday jobs and tasks. So sad.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Social time

Have spend last week shattered after attending the Sevens in Wellington Friday to Sunday. It is just one bit party and they happen to play a few games of rugby. The weather wasn't to hot TG so more enjoyable outside than usual. The customes were amazing again (loved the railway crossings with working bells & lights) and the atmosphere was its usual self. Meet people from all walks of life including some visiting Aussies dressed as green & gold Kangaroos! TG they didn't win the rugby. Part central after games have finished is down on Lambton Quay All the teens go and queue outside the bars up town All the more matures stay down by the waterfront No waiting necessary. Bands dancing with god knows who as everyone is still dressed up. Great fun until the next morning when the body is a bit sore (don't drink tg) but at least you don't have to worry about what to wear! The sights the next day are something to behold. Few walk of shames just going home.
Saturday is just as amusing and was a great finish when we won & the crowd went spare. Back up town and another replay of the night before Must remember not to wear jandals next time as they stick to the floor which makes it kind of hard to dance. Got home at 4am OMG and had to leave to hotel at 10am
Had no voice and was so stiff from walking and dancing (must get fit) Got home at 2pm went to bed and woke up for work the next day!! Survived to week but took a lot. Can't wait till next year. 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Back to Work

Yeah Gods how will I cope for a whole week. Arrived back from Aussie yesterday so a bit of a shock to the system. Had a great relaxing time even tho the weather was wet wet wet. Didn't do much other than shop go to the beach, shop, and eat out for breakfast lunch and tea. Love the surf clubs over there as they serve up rather large dinners at very reasonable prices. Just very relaxing. Hopefully Air NZ will have some cheap fares available at some stage to return when the floods are over. TG we didn't go to Rockhampton as we had planned to. It  looks terrible up there.
Back to the grind