Monday, December 20, 2010

Hot muggy and showers

Love the weather bets winter. Had a call last week from friends Did I want to go to the Gold Coast for 10 days just pay for the airfare as someone had pulled out. Thinking thinking Hawkes Bay or the Gold Coast Thinking thinking. Ok I'm in. Now to tell Mum as feeling guilty. But it turns out my brothers house is being renovated living in rental accomodation & they are off to the in laws for Xmas come farewell to his wife's sister & her hubby off to England for 2 years if the snow has cleared. (shivers) So Mum is off to Wellington to have Xmas with my sister & her family, grandkids & greatgrandchild born 2 December. Yeah sorted, Will have Xnas with family when we get back with all my duty free orders!
Went out to lunch on Friday with work crowd was lovely food and service Had a few laughs but hard to go back to work.
Went for a 1 hour bike ride on my new bike on Saturday. Was great but must remember to have the wind behind me on the way home , take more water and buy some new bike pants! I am going to do some summer fun rides so need to get some distance in my legs & my bum used to a bike seat again.
My garden is going crazy (so are the weeds) My pride a joy tomatoes are looking very healthy. Planted some peas from seed and they have already come thru as have the pumpkin seed I saved. I always plant for failures so threw 9 seeds in and bugger me they all came up. God knows where they will spread to probably thru the fence into the neighours lawn. Oops
Anyhow no doubt the weeds will take over when I am away Will ahve to set up a few watering systems while I am away eg big coke bottles withthe bottom cut out filled with water & poked into the ground.
Merry Xmas to all A safe healthy & fun New Year.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Took Friday off work & hit the garden again It was HOT. But got 75% done which was great Then went to the garden centre to get some flowers & more swan plants. Then had to put the buggers in Transplanted the beans & tomotae plants I had grow and put in some carrot seed. Yum.My god I was shattered by the end of the day. Next morning some cat had been in the fron garden to ... and uprooted about 3 of them Bugger. I am more a vege person so struggled with flower buying.
Anyhow the swan plants have been feisted on and I now have 5 cryslatis (spl) Great I love Monarch catapillars & butterflys
Was going to do some pre xmas look thru the shops also but didn't get time & once I got hot it was not a pretty site